The AI4OneHealth master's degree is an international master's program in health engineering.
It aims to train students in new developments and applications of artificial intelligence (AI) methods in health:
Methodological aspects
Ethical and legal aspects
Application for diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of patients
robotics, GMCAO (Computer Aided Interventional Medicine and Surgery)
Targeted students
Health students (Medicine, Pharmacy, ...)
Master of Engineering for Health students
Master in Math-Info fields who want to extend their knowledge to health fields
International students in the fields of Health, Biology, Mathematics, IT who have validated 240 equivalent ECTS
Semester 1 (30 ECTS)
Core courses (12 ECTS) :
Course Unit (3 ECTS): Introduction to AI for Health (Michel SEVE)
The Philippe Sabatier BioHealth Computing School - “Learning for Health Data” (6 ECTS, Pascal MOSSUZ & ESI) (09/ 2021)
Course Unit (3 ECTS) : Data management technologies and policies (Sylvain KOTZKI)
Courses at choice (18 ECTS):
Course Unit (3 ECTS) : Ethical and societal aspects of Artificial Intelligence (Thierry MENISSIER and Alexandre BRETEL)
Course Unit (3 ECTS) : Neural network modelling AI for Health Applications (Martial MERMILLOD)
Course Unit (3 ECTS) : Machine learning and Deep learning for health data analysis (Karolos POTAMIANOS)
Course Unit (6 ECTS) : AI for OMICS data integration(Pascal MOSSUZ)
Course Unit (3 ECTS) : Application of AI for Healthcare (Sébastien BAILLY)
Course Unit (3 ECTS) : IOT and AI for Health (Sébastien CHANOINE)
Course Unit (3 ECTS) : Proteomics for Health Research (Sandrine BOURGOIN-VOILLARD)
Semester 2 (30 ECTS)
Internship 24 ECTS (Minimum 5 months in an academic or industrial laboratory)
The Philippe Sabatier BioHealth Computing School - “Accelerating Innovations in Precision Oncology” (Jean-François ADAM & ESI) (6 ECTS) (July 2022)
Publié le 26 février 2021 Mis à jour le 6 mai 2022
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